
Homeblending experiences needed!

If you blend foods at home for your child's g-tube, your story is important! Would you be willing to share your story in a survey hosted here?

The purpose of the survey is to collect as much data as possible about consumer experiences with homeblended diets to share with medical professionals. This collective result could be helpful to doctors and dieticians and to the families they work with. Of course, your information is completely confidential.

Not every family is blessed to have as much professional support for the blended diet as we have had. But then, our dietician is extremely knowledgeable about the benefits of good nutrition on overall health. Our doctors see the evidence firsthand and are supportive.

If you could please spare about 15 minutes to answer some questions about your family's experience with blending food for the g-tube, it would be a great help. The link again, is

Thanks so, so much!


  1. I know Tammy @ homeblends. Consider leaving a comment or contacting her. Barbara

  2. Thanks for the connection, Barbara! Tammy seems like a wonderful, committed mother to a beautiful family. I'll drop her a line...

  3. Great, thanks for the link Rose-Marie! It's going great, and is open for about a week hop on in everyone who's ever done real food in the tube!


Thanks for joining in the conversation!