
Scholastic eBook Sale...and an access tip!

In case you hadn’t heard, Scholastic is offering a great selection of eBooks for just $1.00 (US) at their Teacher Express storefront from now until 1/31/11. There are over 520 titles, most of them workbooks. They cover all grade levels and topics, so you might find something useful for your classroom or for your child at home. Thanks to Jonathon Wylie at The Education Technology Blog for spilling the beans about this great sale!

Here’s a tip for making PDF worksheets more accessible for kids with learning or motor disabilities:
You can easily enlarge the page, reduce the number of problems, or eliminate distracting graphics. Just open the full page on your screen and copy the screenshot with your print screen key [PRTSC]. Then paste it into a paint program and crop out distractions or enlarge just the part of the page you need. (Note: If you will be using just a small portion of the page, enlarge that part before you hit Print Screen to maintain a clear image). Print it off and your kids are good to go!

Full screen view of page--I want to give only the problems
in the center of the page on this sample.

1. Zoom in to the portion of the page you want to print
(if you want the full page, check the full page view button)
2. Snap a screen shot [PRTSC]

3. In Paint, select the portion you need and crop to that section.
You have cut out the picture of the screen around it.

4. Open the "Page Setup" menu and choose the page orientation,
centering, and scale to 1 by 1 page. 

Here is the final cropped and ready-to-print outcome!
The page has fewer problems to complete, fewer visual
distractions, and larger spaces for the student to write.
[Just an FYI about downloading from Scholastic, you do need to right-click on the Download link and “save target as” if you want to keep a copy on your drive. If you click to download, the file’s save feature may not work (it didn’t for me, anyway). If you have any questions about saving, check out their Help files.]

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