
A Nest

I wish you could meet Vicki. She and her family were the first ones living with Rett syndrome we met after our daughter's diagnosis. The wisdom and encouragement Vicki shared with us has helped shaped who we are today and we are forever grateful. In the days and weeks to come, I'll pass along some of the pearls she and her husband shared with us.

Vicki showed us a simple trick we use nearly every day. We have lovingly dubbed it a "nest." When our daughter needs a cozy curl-up on the sofa, she is at risk of rolling off. She has no way to protect herself in a fall, so it's something we want to prevent. By wedging a throw pillow under the edge of the sofa cushion, the uphill angle it creates is just enough to keep her from rolling. It makes a wonderful place to nap or snuggle with the cat or watch movies on a sick day (like today, poor kid. What a trooper to muster a smile for the camera when she feels punky). Doesn't it look comfy?

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